Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Holiday Safety Tips

Hello family and friends in the spirit of Christmas I wanted to share these tips given by the LAPD. It saddens me to say that even though the Christmas season is that of rejoicing and charity and giving there are those out there willing to use the goodness of others as an opportunity to take advantage of their fellow humans. Remember people know you are shopping for gift during this time and that you have more money in accounts and in hand than normal so you can but gift for loved one. Please take some time to read this.

The following Holiday Safety Tips were compiled, in cooperation with the LAPD Crime Prevention Section, to contribute to the safety and security of people during the holiday season. The holiday season is always a special time of year. It is also a time when busy people become careless and vulnerable to theft and other holiday crime. We can never be too careful, too prepared or too aware. Please share this information with family, friends and neighbors. The Los Angeles Police Department wishes you a safe, happy and peaceful holiday season.