Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Are YOU Properly Covered?

Are YOU Properly Covered? by Rob Kent

Rob Kent has grown up in the insurance industry his grandfather and father both owned their own insurance company back in Chicago, he has worked fro State Farm for 14 years as an adjuster and is currently on hi 15th year with out office at the R. Rex Parris Law Firm.

What would you do if you were injured in an accident, your fault or not, incurred thousands, even tens of thousands or more in medical bills, could not work and even lost your ability work?  Every one of us is at risk for this catastrophic event.  Is there anything we can do to minimize these risks? The answer is ABSOLUTELY. Health, life and disability insurance will handle this.  There are two coverages most auto insurance companies offer that will help you if your injuries are caused by a car accident (even if you are not in your car or even in a car), these coverages are medical payment and Uninsured motorist.  These two coverages are inexpensive and covers you and your family, you get more bang for the buck than any coverage you can buy anywhere.  I am unaware of any insurance that protects more for so little than Med pay and UM.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Your Next Video Deposition

Having the deposition of a key witness video taped is always a good idea and a great tool. But here are some quick tips to keep in mind.

1. Have someone in the room whose sole responsibility is to man the camera.
This needs to include mics on all the participants. I cannot stress how badly it looks on the attorney in front of a jury when you play a clip with bad audio (they will just shut down on you).

Ideally you need to hire an outside company that handles all the equipment choices and the requirements. But make sure good audio, appropriate back drop behind the deponent, and please make sure they turn off the display settings on the camera (you don’t want the battery icon, date, time, and lens info displayed in front of the jury)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

RoadID and Survival Straps

RoadID and Survival Straps

What do you take with you on a Run? Phone, keys, wallet, headphones? I know when I go out for a run I try to minimize what’s on hand. I use wireless headphones for no snags, I am looking for a good armband to hold my phone. (not happy with the cheepy from Walmart). Heck I don’t even use shoes. I use my Vibram five finger. How about your ID where do you put that?

My first introduction to RoadID was this Thanksgiving when I participated in a turkey trot a my local YMCA. The running bibs had RoadId plastered all over them. This prompted me to look them up and see what they are all about. You can check them out here for yourself. Basically they are a band that has emergency contact info on it so the idea is when running or cycling and something happens the medical team or good Samaritan can contact someone immediately and get you the specific attention you need and to contact loved ones.  They also now have an interactive one where the doctor can call or log in and find look up your profile that you set up through RoadID. (Monthly cost) Seems to me now a days everyone has there own cloud and set up there own secure portal and get away from paying.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Lawyers and their Hoops

The correlation between good physical health and being productive at work is no new fad. Many doctors and researchers attribute alertness, mental health, less illness and of course physical health to an active physical routine.

The law firm I work at recently joined a city basketball league. Its a ten week program once a week played at local school gyms consisting of 20min each half. Here is the link for our city's activities. Check your city's website or your local Y. Needless to say we have our work cut out for us. (Some teams have been playing together for yrs). Its going to be great to see how the team comes together and we bond at work. Just this morning I can hear the camaraderie among those who played last night.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Gym Rants and Sauna Tips

This is one of my rants! I really do not understand people sometime. The other night I was at the gym and there was this guy half asleep in the spa and half hanging on to the railings. I continued on my business and jumped into pool to do my laps (felt good to have that short of breath feeling) and usually I head to the Sauna to warm up a bit before I head out and do some weights. What do you know, there is that same guy sprawled out on the FLOOR of the suana.
A) Gross - that floor is sooo dirty.
B) you are taking up the space of three people by laying there. At least offer to move over!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Mike Miscione on 7 Tips when getting pulled over, and Mario Sandoval on What’s in car?

We all have been in that situation where we see those nice red and blue lights flashing in the rear view mirror. A few things start flashing in my head right away, “how fast was I going, I hope I have my updated insurance cards in my glove box”.
Obviously a responsible driver should always have the proper documentation in his vehicle at all times. But here are a few things I carry with me: Maglight (driver side door), extra car charger (arm rest compartment), pocket sized first aid kit (glove box), sewing kit – never know, I have fixed a button on my suit once (glove box), car battery starter (trunk), small array of hand tool (trunk), Rambo style knife- actually used once (trunk), some work gloves (actually these are not in the glove box weird I know), blanket, warm clothes and a pair of running shoes (trunk).

Friday, January 6, 2012

Staying on Top of things When Traveling

Whether it be for business or pleasure when traveling you often find big blocks of time where you can find some downtime. Be it during the drive to a mediation or deposition, jury trial staying at a hotel or your trip to Hawaii (don't forget my invite). There are many tools out there to be able to work via mobile or iPad. This morning Though about this as I was in a car with my boss as we made an hour drive to Downtown courthouse on a hearing for a big case in our office.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Ruts, Treadmills and Five Fingers

Photo Credit: site
So yesterday was my cheat day for the week. Filled with some form of hacky-sac after work and some bomb wings (spicy of course) and a day of no working out. My body was eeerrr is sore from the last work out. It was what I needed, out of routine not what I was used to. Pushups (mucho) in different variety really work arms, chest, and core. I did wide, triangle, incline and decline and my Tri’s are letting me know what’s up. So as I dive in to tonight’s workout remember change it up don’t fall in to a rut, make your workouts fun.
Tonight I will most like start off with a warm up on the Stair-Master (imagine an arcade game announcer voice here), and hop on the treadmill for a 3mi run, do my 3 set of sit-ups and pull-ups, once am done with that am free to pick and choose any machines or exercise in the gym.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How to copy files to Dropbox faster in Windows 7

Found this on cnet and i thought i would share with you guys
How to copy files to Dropbox faster in Windows 7
by: Ed Rhee 
Follow him on Twitter @techdadreview
Dropbox is an incredibly useful service for sharing files between computers, smartphones, tablets, and with other users.

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to add the Dropbox folder to the Send To menu in Windows 7, so you can send files to your Dropbox folder just by right-clicking on the file.
Step 1: Open the Run dialog box by hitting Windows Logo+R, then type:%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo
(Credit: Screenshot by Ed Rhee)
Step 2: When the SendTo folder opens, right-click on the Dropbox icon in the left pane, under "Favorites," and drag it over to the SendTo folder in the right pane.

(Credit: Screenshot by Ed Rhee)
Step 3: After you let go of the icon in the SendTo folder, select "Create shortcuts here."
(Credit: Screenshot by Ed Rhee)
Step 4: Confirm that the Dropbox shortcut is in the SendTo folder.
(Credit: Screenshot by Ed Rhee)
Step 5: The next time you need to send a file to your Dropbox folder, just right-click on the file and send it away.
(Credit: Screenshot by Ed Rhee)
That's it. This also works great when you have more than one file to copy in the same folder, but not the entire folder. Just hold down the Ctrl key and select your files with your mouse, then right-click on any highlighted file and send it to Dropbox.

First Official Day of ToughMudder Training

Push ups, dips & situps in sauna not going to lie almost threw up. #pledge For more information on this event and one near you follow @ToughMudder on Twitter or Click Here
All the sauna room needed was a pull up bar and I would have been set for my workout routine.
So who is going to participate in the July SoCal #toughmudder competition? I have two friends joining me and we need two more to complete a team. Look it up at
The training for this is a great timeout from the daily grind of working in a office or any other environment. I think of this as my stress reliever. A time where everything is put aside and am focused on on thing my workout.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Siri in the Hands of an Attorney

I have read a few articles on Siri and how it can help ones law practice.
It seems like the first thing you need to do is to get on yelp.
Siri uses Yelp reviews as a service to display the results of peoples searches.
Then once you are on Yelp get reviews! This gets you higher up in the results. But lets make sure these are good reviews! Click here for more info.

Happy New Years ALL

Hope everyone had a great New Years!
I am starting a Blog for 2012, lets see how this goes.
This will consist of how to's, Random pics, tech news, and my Fitness accomplishments and goals.