Friday, April 13, 2012



Statistics say you'll have more than one car accident in your lifetime. In fact, according to estimates by the automotive insurance industry, you will experience a collision once every 17.9 years.
The key is to know what to do...and what not to do. Here, 3 simple steps to follow to ensure you're as ready as possible should you find yourself in a Santa Clarita car accident:
1. Take a look at our car accident information form--now.
We've put a handy form on our site that outlines what info you'll need to track, and submit after a car accident. But our car accident attorneys suggest you check this out BEFORE you're involved in an accident--in fact, print out a copy and keep it in your glove compartment. Knowing in advance the type of car accident information to have should you find yourself an auto accident victim will help you in the long run.

Santa Clarita driving like driving anywhere these days can be hazardous--particularly as we're nestled in at the 5-14 split--traffic on I-5 and Highway 14 (Antelope Valley Freeway). If
 you think proactively about being prepared in the event of a car accident, you'll know how to properly respond if, and when a Santa Clarita accident happens.
2. Understand how insurance companies really work.
Given that our Santa Clarita accident attorneys are usually knee-deep in dealing with insurance companies after a car accident has happened, we know how car insurance companies work. Here's the bottom line: auto insurance companies are typical business enterprises designed to maximize profits and minimize costs. They're not classified as charities for a reason.
So even though you have a car insurance policy, your insurance company will pay you as little as they can get away with.
That means you might find yourself without adequate finances to fully cover medical expenses, unpaid time off from your job, car rental or car towing--all resulting from a Santa Clarita car accident and none of which an auto insurance company will want to generously cover. A car accident attorney (Santa Clarita-based is best if you've had your accident locally) can step in to work with the insurance company so you're not left doing so by yourself.
3. Car accident injuries may not show up keep an eye on yourself.
It goes without saying--your first concern in any vehicle accident--car accident, motorcycle accident, truck accident, whichever--has to be your medical condition. Get medical help before anything else!
Having said that, many times a car accident injury may not present itself immediately at the time of the accident. That does notmean you should go around saying "I'm ok" to everyone--especially not your insurance company. You may have underlying medical issues yet to emerge--and, let's face it, going on record with your insurance company as being "ok" may not be in your best interests when you come back a couple weeks later with a car accident medical claim.
Our Santa Clarita auto accident lawyers can advise you on what to say, and what not to say, to an insurance company--or anyone else for that matter. It's important that you, and your passengers are in a position to maintain your rights under the law.
Will you have an auto accident in your lifetime? Yes--at least it appears that way statistically--and you'll have more than one. Nonetheless, there are steps you can take before, and after, a Santa Clarita auto accident to help yourself avoid insurance claim hassles, denied insurance claims, and to ensure your legal rights in a car accident are protected.
So go check out that car accident information form now--because while we'll be here to protect you after an auto accident, we really prefer that you don't have an accident in the first place!

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